Free Coaching Consult


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Coaching Consult

The Free Coaching Consult is bespoke and tailored around each clients needs. During the Consult Maree will ask you some questions and then give you an overview of the right Program/Training that will fit your needs.
The first step in the journey to become your dream self begins with you taking action and getting out of your comfort zone.

Are you ready to make the change?

When you make the commitment to make a change, you have already initiated a chemical reaction and a rewiring of the neural pathways.  The human body loves patterns but not all patterns are positive.  Old beliefs and negative conditioning can keep you chained, preventing you from moving on and achieving your dreams.

When we are stuck in emotional unbalance our unhealed wounds are actually stuck energy in the body, which can lead to chronic bad health and inflammation.

Most people have  energetic blocks around abundance, success and self worth and that is where Embodiment Coaching can help you.  Our clients experience deep transformations, achieve heightened energy levels and energetic alignment.

Most people don’t realise that there are 5 body layers – physical body, mental body, bliss body, energy body and wisdom body.

Over the last 14 years and hundreds of clients later, I have recognised the top two COMMON BLOCKS:


Common causes of blocks are lack of self worth and holding anger, resentment, grief and judgement.
The energy of not feeling worthy, fear and anxiety blocks the flow of abundance in your life.

We help you clear energy that is blocking you from moving forward and the way we do it, is through the body.  After only a few sessions deep transformations and profound changes can occur, and you can achieve heightened energy levels and energetic alignment.

We can smash your  energetic blocks at ROOT CAUSE and eliminate NEGATIVE BELIEFS so you can finally move past old conditioning.

Transformations in our clients include:

  • Manifesting dream goals
  • Abundant living
  • Improved sexual intimacy
  • Attracting healthy loving relationships effortlessly
  • Higher self awareness
  • Body love
  • Healthier mind and body
  • Bliss and joyful living
  • Self confidence Empowerment Inner harmony
  • Crystal clear clarity of your desires and intentions
  • Developing specific personality traits for success
  • Re-set neural pathways to positivity and abundance


BOOK your FREE 15 minute Coaching Consult NOW


If you are having any feelings of uncertainty around moving forward and booking your Goddess Consult, try this Meditation and your inner wisdom will give you the answer you are seeking.



Go to a quiet place, shut out all distractions.

Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths, fully expanding your belly, back of the ribs and back.

Relax your jaw and feel your whole body completely droping into a state of deep relaxation and stillness.

Place your right hand over your heart, feel the heart chakra opening and a deep sense of bliss.

Feel this blissful energy spiralling throughout your whole body.

Feel any sensations that may occur in your whole body.

Ask your inner wisdom to reveal the answer.

If you receive the answer YES I AM READY book your BOOK your free Coaching Consult

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